According to the Energy Information Agency of the U.S. federal government’s Department of Energy, upgrading to LED luminaires can result in energy savings that average 50%. Adding in the digital control systems, which can dim and brighten the lights based upon conditions, LED luminaires can deliver an additional 10-20% energy savings.
Real-time monitoring of the lighting infrastructure, both the operations and diagnostic health of those, can produce significant savings in maintenance, repair, and operational costs.
Vegetation managers face weighty decisions when it comes to developing an effective program to control vegetation in areas like roadsides or rights-of-way. For Doug Sheffield, utility arborist supervisor for power delivery and contract services with Alabama Power, the decision starts with dollars and cents.
Utilities in the U.S. are moving to a cleaner, more distributed power system, Utility Dive’s sixth annual sector survey shows, but are unclear about how they will get there.
The 2019 State of the Electric Utility Survey, out today, shows that power providers are continuing their decades-long transition away from large coal generators and toward more renewables and natural gas.
Florida Power & Light (FPL) will be the first energy company in the world to use a new smart grid device. By adding it to its suite of outage prevention tools, the energy company strives to build a stronger, smarter and more storm-resilient energy grid for customers.
RALEIGH, NC, MARCH 1, 2019 — Known as the “sunniest city in Canada,” high temperatures this time of year for the 63,000 residents of Medicine Hat, Alberta average 30 degrees Fahrenheit. For the local utility, that means taking extra care to ensure service for its electric, gas and water customers.
A long-time customer of Sensus, a Xylem brand, the city decided to upgrade its electric metering system to reduce the number of truck rolls and get better reads on energy use.
Battery storage technology has moved in fits and starts, but today experts note that rapid advances make it difficult for safety standards to keep pace. Developers of storage systems are designing projects to enhance reliability and resiliency, and help integrate renewable resources into the grid, while ensuring rewards outweigh the risks.
It’s that time of year when keeping mindful of possible winter weather is of the utmost importance. Here are some helpful tips to bear in mind during this hazardous winter season. And another on hazardous winter weather from our own Marty Admire: A former lineman.
Be Prepared. Think Safety.