Linecrew   |   Snakeguns

Raising Awareness for Linemen Safety

Training Around the World

Team Bevins has been traveling the country with Team Hubbell, demonstrating linemen safety tools and technology and raising awareness about the risks linemen take and the best new ways to prevent accidents.

We recently hit events like SWEDE and the APPA Lineman Rodeo. We helped with training at MESA Hotline School last week, and earlier had the opportunity to travel to France and attend ICOLIM. But the work doesn’t stop now! Find us at events across the country this summer. See below for our full schedule.

Have questions? We’re here to help.
Call 918.627.1273 for any issues.


At Bevins, we do our best to get the best training that we can to get you the best services possible.

Want to join us? Here is a list of the places we’ll be soon.

  • MESA Hotline School | May 1st-13th
  • Cody Hotline Training | August
  • Drivin’ for Linemen | June 17th
  • ICUEE | October 3rd-5th
  • International Linemen’s Rodeo | October 12th-14th